" The Scaresbrooks' Cycling and Gardening and... Blog: £50 million for UK walking and cycling routes

Tuesday 23 October 2007

£50 million for UK walking and cycling routes

There's a huge pot of money from the lottery fund being made available for a worthwhile project, and Sustrans have got their Connect2 project into the running. There'll be a TV vote in December to decide which of four projects will win.

Connect2 is a project to link up existing everyday walking and cycling routes to school, work, parks and so on with bridges over main roads, railway lines and other major obstacles.

Of the four projects, this is the only one nationwide one, with 79 areas set to benefit from the increased opportunities to make daily journeys more pleasant and safer, reduce congestion and pollution and increase people's health.

To increase the chances of this project winning, spread the word to your friends and colleagues. We can all vote in December 2007, but in case we forget, register with Sustrans, or send them a text message, so they can send out a reminder message with details of how to vote.

Either text the message 'Connect2' to 80010 or register on the Sustrans' Connect2 website, where there's more information.

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